Support Our Troops

Especially those from Grace Episcopal Church



This page is dedicated to our military troops; those people that serve our Country and Community to maintain freedom, safety and the rights of all Americans.  On this page, we share with you the contact information of our own GEC members serving our Country.  If you have a moment please remember them with a note of thanks, especially remember them on special occasions such as Easter, Christmas and other notable holidays as they serve far from home.


United States Army - Serving Since March 2019:


PFC AddisonMAY2019 Hoffman Family_at_Fort_Benning Hoffman 010


PFC Addison J. Hoffman  (July 2019)

Currently assigned to Fort Polk in Louisiana

On Friday, March 27, 2020, PFC Addison Hoffman was awarded the Expert Infantry Badge from the U.S. Army after completing a three-week regimented course of training and testing.  View the ceremony here (specifically at 12:36):  Expert Infantry Badge


If you have a member of our Church Family serving in the US Armed Forces, please let us know and we will gladly add them to our Military Service page.  They are always in our thoughts and prayers.  We honor those who serve to protect all of us.  Thank You. 

September 19, 2024


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Oct 3, 2021

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Barbara Ann Hart Memorial 2021



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