DSC 3657
Upcoming Events at Grace Church


Here is a list of the Upcoming Events for Grace Episcopal Church.  Please update your calendar and join our Church Family as we enjoy life together:





GEC Script -Sunday, October 3, 2021
Please make sure that Bobbi Patterson has your scrip orders no later than Sunday, September 5th by 12:00 noon.


Sunday, October 3 ~ The Blessing of the Animals at 10:00 AM ~ Front Lawn

Our Annual Blessing of the Animals is back this year after a drive-thru event last year. You are invited to bring your beloved animals to receive a blessing at our outside service of Morning Prayer. With plenty of space on our wonderful front yard, you and your animals will be able enjoy the beauty of God’s nature. The service will be short, with the emphasis on the individual blessings. There also will be a memorial wall to remember our beloved pets who are now in heaven with God. Feel free to bring pictures. Hospitality for humans and animals will follow the service.


Note: the 8:00 AM service will be an indoor service of Holy Communion without animals.


Saturday, October 30 at 1:00 PM ~ Festive Service and Confirmation with Bishop Diane Bruce

Please save the date of Saturday, October 30 for a very special service with Bishop Bruce. Bishop Diane has made special arrangements to be with us for worship and confirmation before she leaves our diocese to assume the position of Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of Western Missouri. We will consider this Saturday service to be the primary service of the weekend. Only one service will be offered on Sunday, October 31, and that only if necessary. Please come, enjoy the Bishop, support our confirmands, and have a chance to say “thank you and good-bye” to Bishop Diane.


Ongoing Events


Bible Study - Suspended during Summer months

Sounds of Grace Handbell Choir - Suspended during Summer months

Choir Regular Rehearsal - Suspended during Summer months

Youth Group - Starting in September

September 19, 2024


Current Activities

Children and Youth Ministries

Support our Troop


Next Order: Sunday

Oct 3, 2021

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"The Communicator"


Sharing our Activities:

Click on an event and enjoy the Video:

Barbara Ann Hart Memorial 2021



History of Grace Church

Boy Scout Troop 486


Diocese of Los Angeles

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