
Grace Church, through Discover the World Ministry, is committed to supporting Evans Munyui Njeri, a 10-year-old boy in Africa.  With our support, Evan is able to reside and receive an education at the Shepherd’s Home in Kenya, a home for children whose families have been affected by the AIDS crisis.  Click here to read more about Evans. We will begin our fourth year of this sponsorship in Lent of 2009.  Our Lenten mite boxes, the proceeds from our can and bottle recycling, and personal donations make this sponsorship possible.  


Grace Episcopal Church also reaches out into the community, making a real difference in people’s lives. Listed are our ongoing programs:  


  • East San Gabriel Valley Homeless Shelter:  Usually occurring in January, Grace Church parishioners (using the facilities at Glenkirk Presbyterian Church) donate and/or shop for menu items and then prepare and serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with a sack lunch for the next day, to 200 people each year.  
  • Glendora Coordinating Council’s Holiday Food Baskets:  Food donations to this program provide groceries and a turkey to less fortunate families at Thanksgiving.  
  • Shepherd’s Pantry:  Weekly food donations from our parishioners are sent to this community food bank.  
  • Hillsides Christmas Toys:  Every December, we are given a wish list and the opportunity to provide Christmas gifts for the kids at the Hillsides Home, a facility for abused and neglected children.  
  • Adopt-a-Lunch:  Once a month, Grace Church provides 50 sack lunches for homeless families at Union Station. Parishioners provide the food, condiments, and the paper goods, and the lunches are packed on the Sunday preceding the fourth Monday of every month.


September 19, 2024


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