
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The Apostle Paul, in instructing Timothy, has given all of us motivation for the continual reading and learning from Scripture.  Thus, Scripture forms the backbone of our liturgies and worship.  However, other opportunities such as Bible Studies and Christian Education also help us to grow in the knowledge and love of God.

Sunday School:
The goal of our Sunday School program is to nurture the children in the faith community, teach them about God's love, and provide a safe and loving atmosphere where they can make friends and learn to serve others. The children go to Sunday School first, at 10 a.m., and rejoin their parents in church during the passing of the Peace.

The Primary Sunday School Class, grade 1-3, began in September with a study of the Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer.  In Advent, the curriculum focused on preparing for the birth of Jesus. Class time is 40 minutes, and every minute is precious!

As the kids work their way through school, the Intermediate Sunday School class, grades 4-8, continues to work its way through the Bible stories. They have been learning Old Testament stories and discussing how those stories relate to them today, and what they tell us about God.

Nursery Care:
In our Nursery, we provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere for young children from infant to Kindergarten. The Nursery opens at 9:00 a.m.

Adult Education:

Wednesday Morning Bible Study:
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study group meets weekly at 10 a.m. from September through July. Led by the Rector, this group meets for a time of study and fellowship that helps deepen their relationship with Jesus.  In the past, they have studied the Gospel books, the lectionary readings in preparation for the Sunday service, and shared book studies, such as The Chronicles of Narnia and Dickens' A Christmas Carol.


Other Educational Opportunities:

Advent Bible Study:
Classes to help us prepare to newly receive the Christ child into our hearts.  See our upcoming events page for more information.

Lenten Series:
Classes are offered on Sunday afternoons during the five weeks of the season of Lent. A broad range of topics is explored, offering opportunities for short-term, special disciplines during this time of year. This is a wonderful way to deepen your faith and your understanding of God and our Anglican heritage. The Lenten Series begins at 11:30 a.m. with a soup lunch in Baxter Hall.

March 28, 2025


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